child-centered solutions

Co-parent COACHING

Direct work with co-parents experiencing separation, divorce, post separation and divorce an step-family dynamics.

  • A form of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution)

  • Creation of parenting plans

  • Co-parenting skill building

  • Conflict resolution

  • Solution orientation to help avoid trial if and when possible


Series of specific workshops for parents, and those who care about them, to access the most effective information, skill building and strategies to be the best co-parents, step-parents and support people possible.

Professional Education

Variety of professional education webinars for professionals from the multitude of disciplines involved with working with families experiencing separation, divorce, post judgment issues, step-family dynamics, coercive control, high conflict divorce and intimate partner violence.

Presented by experts and leaders in their respective fields, provide engaging professional education opportunities for professionals who want to ensure that they are on the cutting edge of research and practice in this dynamic and complex field of working with families who are intersecting with family court systems nationally and internationally.

Program Evaluation

Are you interested in having your system and/ or program analyzed for competency related to family matters in coercive control, trauma informed and/ or evidence based practices? Please contact me to discuss specifics.


Are you interested in having research conducted in the multidisciplinary areas of family law? Please contact me to discuss specifics.


Are you interested in having me take part in or provide a professional education conference? Please contact me to discuss specifics.